Purge based on url postfix

Hauke Lampe lampe at hauke-lampe.de
Thu Dec 29 12:35:57 CET 2011

On 28.12.2011 15:12, Lars Jørgensen wrote:

> I'm stumped on how to extract the original url from that request,
> though.

regsub(str, regex, sub)
    Returns a copy of str with the first occurrence of the regular
    expression regex replaced with sub. Within sub, 0 (which can also
    be spelled &) is replaced with the entire matched string, and n is
    replaced with the contents of subgroup n in the matched string.


i.e. something like this should work:
set req.url = regsub(req.url, "\$PURGE$", "");

> As a workaround, I would like to enable CMS editors to call content with a postfixed string to purge it. Like this: www.website.com/index.html$PURGE 

I use a special request header to force a cache miss and retrieve
updated content from the backend:

if (req.http.X-FreshForce == "yes") {
  # Force a cache miss
  set req.hash_always_miss = true;

CMS editors have a button in their browsers to enable the X-FreshForce
header, e.g. by using http://www.garethhunt.com/modifyheaders/ or similar.


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