varnishreplay and varnishlog

Robert Shilston rtshilston at
Sun Jan 2 19:26:09 CET 2011

My version: varnish-2.0.4-1.el5, on 64 bit Centos54


On 2 Jan 2011, at 18:16, Robert Shilston wrote:

> I recall a question recently about the use of varnishreplay.  I've got a bug in a web application, and I know the varnish transaction ID for an offending request.  It would be handy to use varnishreplay to send this to varnish and through to the backend for testing.  However, I don't appear to be able to extract a portion from the varnishlog file into another varnishlog file.
> This is the sort of command I'd like to run:
> varnishlog -r /var/log/varnish/varnish.log  -c -o TxHeader 1234567890 -w /tmp/1234567890.varnishlog
> then
> varnishreplay -a localhost:80 -r /tmp/1234567890.varnishlog
> I admit that I'm not running the latest code (I'm using ), but I've reviewed the changes in trac, and don't see anything similar to the above.  Has anyone got a cunning suggestion as to how I can achieve this?
> Thanks, and best wishes for 2011
> Rob
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