[Newbie] Need help with Inline C code.

Roberto Moutinho robertomoutinho at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 23:58:31 CEST 2011

Hello to everyone,

I've extended the C code on the
But I have different needs from the original post since I'm serving a
protected content all the time (Restfull API).

Basically I have to authenticate a api key (received within a special
header) on my database and store the key and theirs request limit value in

My main problem is that my C code works perfect when using gcc (ubuntu) to
compile it but it does not compile together with Varnish.

output from running varnishd
storage_malloc: max size 256 MB.
Message from C-compiler:
./vcl.1P9zoqAU.c: In function ‘API’:
./vcl.1P9zoqAU.c:602: error: invalid initializer
Running C-compiler failed, exit 1
VCL compilation failed*

Searching for this "invalid initializer" on Google have not helped me at all

Best Regards
Roberto Moutinho
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