Lots of configs

Per Buer perbu at varnish-software.com
Mon Mar 7 19:35:36 CET 2011


On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 11:39 PM, AD <straightflush at gmail.com> wrote:

>  what is the best way to run an instance of varnish that may need different
> vcl configurations for each hostname.  This could end up being 100-500
> includes to map to each hostname and then a long if/then block based on the
> hostname.  Is there a more scalable way to deal with this?

CPU and memory bandwidth is abundant on modern servers. I'm actually not
sure that having a 500 entries long if/else statement will hamper
performance at all. Remember, there will be no system calls. I would guess a
modern server will execute at least a four million regex-based if/else per
second per CPU core if most of the code and data will be in the on die
cache. So executing 500 matches should take about 0.5ms.

It might not make sense to optimize this.

Per Buer, Varnish Software
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