Varnish 503ing on ~1/100 POSTs

Ben Dodd B.Dodd at
Tue Mar 8 23:06:41 CET 2011


This is only to add we've been experiencing exactly the same issue and are desperately searching for a solution. Can anyone help?

Thanks, Ben

On 8 Mar 2011, at 21:55, <varnish-misc-request at<mailto:varnish-misc-request at>> <varnish-misc-request at<mailto:varnish-misc-request at>> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: varnish-misc-bounces at<mailto:varnish-misc-bounces at>
[mailto:varnish-misc-bounces at] On Behalf Of Ronan
Sent: March-08-11 3:38 PM
To: varnish-misc at<mailto:varnish-misc at>
Subject: Varnish 503ing on ~1/100 POSTs

I'm seeing intermittant 503s on POSTs to a fairly busy VBulletin
The current load is light (up to a couple of thousand active sessions,
peak is around five thousand).  Varnish has a fairly simple config with
a director consisting of two Apache backends:

backend backend1 {
        .host = "";
        .port = "80";
        .connect_timeout = 5s;
        .first_byte_timeout = 90s;
        .between_bytes_timeout = 90s;
        .probe = {
                .timeout = 5s;
                .interval = 5s;
                .window = 5;
                .threshold = 3;
                .request =
                        "HEAD /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0"
                        "Connection: close";

backend backend2 {
        .host = "";
        .port = "80";
        .connect_timeout = 5s;
        .first_byte_timeout = 90s;
        .between_bytes_timeout = 90s;
        .probe = {
                .timeout = 5s;
                .interval = 5s;
                .window = 5;
                .threshold = 3;
                .request =
                        "HEAD /favicon.ico HTTP/1.0"
                        "Connection: close";

The numbers are modest, but significant - about 1 POST in a hundred
I've upped the backend timeouts to 90 seconds (first_byte /
and I'm pretty confident they're responding in well under that time.

varnishlog does not show any backend health changes.  A typical event
looks like:

a.b.c.d - - [08/Mar/2011:14:48:03 +0000] "POST HTTP/1.1" 503

a.b.c.d - - [08/Mar/2011:14:48:03 +0000] "POST
/newreply.php?do=postreply&t=285227 HTTP/1.1" 200 2686

The POST appears to work fine on the backend but the user gets a 503
Varnish.  It's not unusual to see users getting the error several times
a row (presumably re-submitting the post):

a.b.c.d - - [08/Mar/2011:18:21:23 +0000] "POST HTTP/1.1"
503 2623
a.b.c.d - - [08/Mar/2011:18:21:36 +0000] "POST HTTP/1.1"
503 2623
a.b.c.d - - [08/Mar/2011:18:21:50 +0000] "POST HTTP/1.1"
503 2623

A typical request is below.  The first attempt fails with:

 33 FetchError   c http first read error: -1 0 (Success)

there is presumably a restart and the second attempt (sometimes to
backend1, sometimes backend2) fails with:

 33 FetchError   c backend write error: 11 (Resource temporarily

This pattern has been the same on the few transactions I've examined in
detail.  The full log output of a typical request is below.

I'm stumped.  Has anybody got any ideas what might be causing this?


  33 RxRequest    c POST
  33 RxURL        c /ajax.php
  33 RxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
  33 RxHeader     c Accept: */*
  33 RxHeader     c Accept-Language: nl-be
  33 RxHeader     c Referer:
  33 RxHeader     c x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest
  33 RxHeader     c Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
  33 RxHeader     c Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
  33 RxHeader     c User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; ...)
  33 RxHeader     c Host:<>
  33 RxHeader     c Content-Length: 82
  33 RxHeader     c Connection: Keep-Alive
  33 RxHeader     c Cache-Control: no-cache
  33 RxHeader     c Cookie: ...
  33 VCL_call     c recv
  33 VCL_return   c pass
  33 VCL_call     c hash
  33 VCL_return   c hash
  33 VCL_call     c pass
  33 VCL_return   c pass
  33 Backend      c 44 backend backend1
  44 TxRequest    b POST
  44 TxURL        b /ajax.php
  44 TxProtocol   b HTTP/1.1
  44 TxHeader     b Accept: */*
  44 TxHeader     b Accept-Language: nl-be
  44 TxHeader     b Referer:
  44 TxHeader     b x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest
  44 TxHeader     b Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
  44 TxHeader     b User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; ...)
  44 TxHeader     b Host:<>
  44 TxHeader     b Content-Length: 82
  44 TxHeader     b Cache-Control: no-cache
  44 TxHeader     b Cookie: ...
  44 TxHeader     b Accept-Encoding: gzip
  44 TxHeader     b X-Forwarded-For: a.b.c.d
  44 TxHeader     b X-Varnish: 657185708
* 33 FetchError   c http first read error: -1 0 (Success)
  44 BackendClose b backend1
  33 Backend      c 47 backend backend2
  47 TxRequest    b POST
  47 TxURL        b /ajax.php
  47 TxProtocol   b HTTP/1.1
  47 TxHeader     b Accept: */*
  47 TxHeader     b Accept-Language: nl-be
  47 TxHeader     b Referer:
  47 TxHeader     b x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest
  47 TxHeader     b Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
  47 TxHeader     b User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; ...)
  47 TxHeader     b Host:<>
  47 TxHeader     b Content-Length: 82
  47 TxHeader     b Cache-Control: no-cache
  47 TxHeader     b Cookie: ...
  47 TxHeader     b Accept-Encoding: gzip
  47 TxHeader     b X-Forwarded-For: a.b.c.d
  47 TxHeader     b X-Varnish: 657185708
* 33 FetchError   c backend write error: 11 (Resource temporarily
  47 BackendClose b backend2
  33 VCL_call     c error
  33 VCL_return   c deliver
  33 VCL_call     c deliver
  33 VCL_return   c deliver
  33 TxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
  33 TxStatus     c 503
  33 TxResponse   c Service Unavailable
  33 TxHeader     c Server: Varnish
  33 TxHeader     c Retry-After: 0
  33 TxHeader     c Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
  33 TxHeader     c Content-Length: 2623
  33 TxHeader     c Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2011 17:08:33 GMT
  33 TxHeader     c X-Varnish: 657185708
  33 TxHeader     c Age: 3
  33 TxHeader     c Via: 1.1 varnish
  33 TxHeader     c Connection: close
  33 Length       c 2623
  33 ReqEnd       c 657185708 1299604110.559967279 1299604113.447372913
0.000037670 2.887368441 0.000037193
  33 SessionClose c error
  33 StatSess     c a.b.c.d 50044 3 1 1 0 1 0 235 2623

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