Varnish 503ing on ~1/100 POSTs

Ben Dodd B.Dodd at
Sun Mar 13 22:51:24 CET 2011

Did anyone manage to find a workable solution for this?

On 10 Mar 2011, at 13:29, Ronan Mullally wrote:

> Hej Tollef,
> On Thu, 10 Mar 2011, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
>> |   33 FetchError   c http first read error: -1 0 (Success)
>> This just means the backend closed the connection on us.
>> |   33 FetchError   c backend write error: 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
>> This is a timeout, however:
>> |    33 ReqEnd       c 657185708 1299604110.559967279 1299604113.447372913 0.000037670 2.887368441 0.000037193
>> That 2.89s backend response time doesn't add up with your timeouts.  Can
>> you see if you can get a tcpdump of what's going on?
> I'll see what I can do.  Varnish is serving an average of about 20 objects
> per second so there'll be a lot of data to gather / sift through.
> The following numbers might prove useful - they're counts of the number of
> successful GETs, POSTs and 503s since 17:00 yesterday.
>             GET               POST
>  Hour   200      503       200     503
> ------------------------------------------
> 17:00  72885   0 (0.00%)   841   0 (0.00%)
> 18:00  69266   0 (0.00%)   858   6 (0.70%)
> 19:00  65030   0 (0.00%)   866   3 (0.35%)
> 20:00  70289   0 (0.00%)   975   8 (0.82%)
> 21:00 105767   0 (0.00%)  1214   5 (0.41%)
> 22:00  86236   0 (0.00%)   834   3 (0.36%)
> 23:00  67078   0 (0.00%)   893   2 (0.22%)
> 00:00  48042   0 (0.00%)   669   4 (0.60%)
> 01:00  35966   0 (0.00%)   479   0 (0.00%)
> 02:00  29598   0 (0.00%)   395   3 (0.76%)
> 03:00  25819   0 (0.00%)   359   0 (0.00%)
> 04:00  22835   0 (0.00%)   366   4 (1.09%)
> 05:00  24487   0 (0.00%)   315   1 (0.32%)
> 06:00  26583   0 (0.00%)   353   4 (1.13%)
> 07:00  30433   0 (0.00%)   398   2 (0.50%)
> 08:00  37394   0 (0.00%)   363   9 (2.48%)
> 09:00  44462   1 (0.00%)   526   4 (0.76%)
> 10:00  49891   2 (0.00%)   611   4 (0.65%)
> 11:00  54826   1 (0.00%)   599   7 (1.17%)
> 12:00  60765   6 (0.01%)   615   1 (0.16%)
> 13:00  18941   0 (0.00%)   190   0 (0.00%)
> Apart from a handful of 503s to GET requests this morning (which I've not
> had a chance to investigate) the problem almost exclusively affects POSTs.
> The frequency of the problem does not appear to be related to the load -
> the highest incidence does not match the busiest periods.
> I'll get back to you when I have a few packet traces.  It will most likely
> be next week.  FWIW, I forgot to mention in my previous posts, I'm running
> 2.1.5 on a Debian Lenny VM.
> -Ronan
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