
Carlos Cima camcima at
Thu Mar 3 15:33:28 CET 2011

Is there any way to check if a particular request was answered "in grace" by sending a HTTP header?
I'm trying to increase the grace period if the user-agent contains "Googlebot" in order to speed up crawling response time and consequently be better positioned in Google organic search results. When I access using Googlebot in the user-agent header I'm not sure if Varnish is waiting for a backend request or not.
VCL excerpt:
sub vcl_recv {
    # Set Grace
    if (req.http.user-agent ~ "Googlebot") {
        set req.grace = 12h;
    } else {
        set req.grace = 30m;

sub vcl_fetch {
    # Set Grace
    set beresp.grace = 12h;
Carlos Cima 		 	   		  
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