varnish backing file gone missing

Matt Schurenko MSchurenko at
Mon Sep 26 21:54:54 CEST 2011


I noticed that I mistakenly created a 40GB  zero-filled file rather than a 48GB one:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/varnish-cache bs=1G count=40

Not sure if that would make any difference.

Matt Schurenko
Systems Administrator

airG(r) Share Your World
Suite 710, 1133 Melville Street
Vancouver, BC  V6E 4E5
P: +1.604.408.2228
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E: MSchurenko at
From: varnish-misc-bounces at [mailto:varnish-misc-bounces at] On Behalf Of Matt Schurenko
Sent: September-26-11 12:43 PM
To: varnish-misc at
Subject: varnish backing file gone missing

I just noticed that the backing file I configured varnish to use is now gone:

[root at mvp13 ~]# ps -ef | grep varnishd
root      4419     1  0 Sep07 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/varnishd -s file,/tmp/varnish-cache,48G -T -a -t 604800 -f /usr/local/etc/varnish/default.vcl -p http_headers 384 -p connect_timeout 4.0

[root at mvp13 ~]# ls /tmp/varnish-cache
ls: /tmp/varnish-cache: No such file or directory

If I do an lsof I see this:

varnishd   4420 nobody    4u      REG                8,1 51539607552   62160904 /tmp/varnish-cache (deleted)

I'm pretty sure I never deleted it. Is this normal behaviour? What are the implications of this file being removed while varnish is running? Varnishd still appears to be working fine. I have another varnish server running but the backing file is still there. BTW I'm running varnish version 2.1.5.


Matt Schurenko
Systems Administrator

airG(r) Share Your World
Suite 710, 1133 Melville Street
Vancouver, BC  V6E 4E5
P: +1.604.408.2228
F: +1.866.874.8136
E: MSchurenko at

airG is one of BC's Top 55 Employers and
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