Elastic Load Balancer as backend to Varnish

Aaron de Souza aaron.desouza at roh.org.uk
Fri Apr 13 13:04:37 CEST 2012


I'm using Varnish 3.0.2 and my backend is an Amazon ELB so we can use the auto scaling features of AWS to add and remove instances from the load balancer.
The problem is, is that if the backend load balancer is in multiple availability zones then it is given multiple IP addresses and varnish doesn't like that

Message from VCC-compiler:
Backend host "#######.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com": resolves to multiple IPv4 addresses.
Only one address is allowed.
Please specify which exact address you want to use, we found these:
('input' Line 14 Pos 13)
    .host = "###########.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com";

Any suggestions on how to get around this problem?



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