ignoring the "uncacheable" header

Hauke Lampe lampe at hauke-lampe.de
Wed Apr 18 19:44:59 CEST 2012

Hello Shahab

On 18.04.2012 11:05, shahab bakhtiyari wrote:

> Is'nt any answer for my previous quiestion out there? about how to say
>  varnish not to serve "Reload" requests from the cache?

Use VCL to force a cache miss if the client sets Cache-Control: no-cache
See https://www.varnish-cache.org/trac/wiki/VCLExampleEnableForceRefresh

> 1. How to configure varnish to authenticate from an external server(like
> openldap), is it possible at all?

varnish doesn't authenticate users (except for the ACL lists of IP
adresses). You could program a vmod and query it from within VCL.
Authentication should be handled by the backend, IMHO.

> 2. How varnish deals with  ssl  requests,

It doesn't. Use an SSL proxy in front of varnish. nginx or pound come to


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