Performance for an Amazon Large Instance with Varnish

Hugo Cisneiros (Eitch) hugo.cisneiros at
Tue Aug 7 22:42:43 CEST 2012

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Matt Tessar
<mtessar at> wrote:
> I have a small number of ( < 500 ) of small files ( a few kb ) that I need
> to serve up at a very large scale.  Per request charges at a CDN like
> Cloudfront are too much, so I am looking into Varnish to serve them up.
> What kind of performance could I expect from an amazon large dedicated only
> to this task with Varnish and Apache?

If they're static items and if you use malloc as cache storage, you
should be limited only by the instance's bandwidth. The performance is
very, very good. With one large instance here, I can serve thousands
of requests per second on dynamic items (fetched through WAN) and the
CPU use averages on 20% only. An instance here goes up to 200Mbit/s,
but it varies since network badnwidth is kind of shared on Amazon's

With local files and memory storage you should be really fine.


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