Varnish 3.0.2 on FreeBSD 8-STABLE: Constant Restart

Daniel Carrillo daniel.carrillo at
Wed Jul 18 10:01:30 CEST 2012

2012/7/18 Marc Fournier <lists at>:
> Okay, I'm lost here … what sort of site is Varnish good for … ?   A news web site where nobody every logs into the site … ?
> For instance, the impression I'm getting is that you couldn't use Varnish in front of a Facebook like site, since none of the hits would be anonymous?  But would be potentially useful in front of a Slashdot like site, where alot of the hits *are* anonymous?
> The reason I started to look at Varnish was a client asked about it in terms of the W3T Cache that is available for Wordpress … it apparently has the ability to 'invalidate cache' in a varnish server, so as to force it to reload from apache … but I don't know enough about Wordpress to know if I can even safely disable cookies, but without disabling cookies, nothing will get cached, making Varnish good as a load balancer, but losing the major benefit …


You don't need disable cookies, you could "pass" requests with
specific cookies (wordpress_logged_in and others)

In the other hand, you need a wordpres plugin in order to purge new
comments, posts, etc. Check this one (includes VCL example):

There is several plugins doing the job, take a look on them.

Hope this helps.
Kind regards.

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