
Cosimo Streppone cosimo at streppone.it
Fri Mar 23 18:26:24 CET 2012

During today's VUG5 dev meeting, we discussed
vmod development, and looks like most people
are interested in it.

Now, I may be a bit slow to understand how to build
a vmod, but my personal view is I don't like copying and
pasting stuff around to start something new.

For this reason, during this morning dev meeting,
I hacked together, with a bit of spit and duct tape,
sorry for that, vmod-bootstrap.


vmod-bootstrap is a script that will generate
a new vmod skeleton for you.

It needs a "vmod.conf" file:

     "name" : "frobnicator",
     "author" : "James J. Hacker",
     "version" : "0.01",
     "src" : "src/vmod_frobnicator.vcc",
     "required_libs" : [
             "name" : "mhash",
             "function" : "mhash_count",
     "copyright" : "Copyright (c) 2012 James J. Hacker",
     "repository" : "git://github.com/jamesjhacker/vmod-frobnicator",
     yadda yadda

Run vmod-bootstrap and it will:

- check pre-requisite packages (automake, libtool and friends)
- build autoconf and automake files
- inflate "m4" and "src" dirs

so you can hopefully run ./autogen.sh && ./configure.

Pointless? Yeah, probably. It helps me in 3 ways:

- understanding which of these files are actually necessary
- saves me time doing search/replace
- keeps all files consistent

Additional intelligence can be hardwired directly into the bootstrap tool,
which makes it really interesting going forward, where now is quite

Bonus idea: take all the vmod.conf you can find, and
build a tool that automatically clones the sources, builds
and installs/packages the vmod, cpanm-like.



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