Varnish 500's now not 302's

Andreas Plesner Jacobsen apj at
Mon May 14 08:13:42 CEST 2012

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 11:20:23AM +1100, Nicholas_Maesepp at wrote:

> Nothing special about my config file apart from the hashing of objects, I 
> do have the following already in my vcl_fetch:
> set beresp.grace = 3m;

So you're at least caching everything for 3 minutes.

> if (beresp.status == 500) {
>     set beresp.saintmode = 5s;
>   }

And at least using the cached version of 500s for 5 seconds (assuming a single backend).

It shouldn't be too hard to use varnishlog to figure out what happens to these
objects. Try something like varnishlog -cm TxStatus:500


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