Modification to url lookup

Arun Dobriyal arundobriyaliitkgp at
Tue May 22 10:15:41 CEST 2012

Hi ,

Take and modify
> it. You probably want to trigger the restarts in vcl_miss instead. If you
> reach it you've missed the cache, then just alter the URL and restart.

Thanks @Per , I was looking for this only.

I modified the vcl file and the content of  my vcl_miss file is

* sub vcl_miss {
    std.log("I came here "" and the url is "+req.url);

  return (fetch);

Clearly the above code should also work (It will enter the if block once
whenever it gets a cache miss.. but then subsequently the req.restarts will
increase and varnish wont enter the block) . But when I tested this on my
machine.. I get these strange messages on the varnishlog, and varnish cant
load any page.

*    0 Debug        - "INCOMPLETE AT: cnt_miss(1213)"
    0 WorkThread   - 0xb15fd0e0 start
    0 CLI          - Rd vcl.load "boot" ./
    0 CLI          - Wr 200 36 Loaded "./" as "boot"
    0 CLI          - Rd vcl.use "boot"
    0 CLI          - Wr 200 0
    0 CLI          - Rd start
    0 Debug        - "Acceptor is epoll"
    0 CLI          - Wr 200 0
    0 WorkThread   - 0xb78a90e0 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0xb78980e0 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0xb78870e0 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0xb78760e0 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0xb78650e0 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0xb78540e0 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0xb78430e0 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0xb78320e0 start
    0 WorkThread   - 0xb78210e0 start
    0 CLI          - Rd ping
    0 CLI          - Wr 200 19 PONG 1337673620 1.0
    0 CLI          - Rd ping
    0 CLI          - Wr 200 19 PONG 1337673623 1.0
    0 CLI          - Rd ping*

What is this error about ?

Arun Dobriyal
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