logging request time

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at varnish-software.com
Mon Nov 19 12:55:21 CET 2012

]] Vladimir Stavrinov

> It should be done not by external tools, but by varnish
> itself like other web or proxy servers are doing. And I don't
> understand why this simple and necessary thing is not implemented yet.  

You're asking for this to be written to a NCSA log file, this is already
done by an external tool – varnishncsa.  The reason for features not
being implemented is usually either that nobody has asked for it, at
least not anybody with either a patch or an offer to pay for its
implementation.  (In this case, it would have been a pretty small
change, except for that ReqEnd in master seems to have changed format
without me noticing.)

Tollef Fog Heen
Technical lead | Varnish Software AS
t: +47 21 98 92 64
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