Keeping object in cache regardless of max-age

Blake Crosby blake.crosby at
Wed Apr 10 15:02:34 CEST 2013


Thanks for the link. This helps.

I'm going to put my vote in for this to be at least discussed at next 
months User Group meeting. I just took a look through the list archives, 
and it seems like I'm not the only one looking for this functionality :)


On 10/04/2013 02:41, Anders Daljord Morken wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 1:15 AM, Blake Crosby <blake.crosby at
> <mailto:blake.crosby at>> wrote:
>     Is it possible for Varnish to keep the object in cache past its TTL
>     and if a future request is made for that object (which is now expired)
>     that varnish will issue a If-Modified-Since (IMS) request. If the
>     origin returns a 304 Not-Modified Varnish will serve the object from
>     cache and reset the TTL counter?
> Possible, well, sort of. Some work has been made on this, but it hasn't
> been merged into mainline, let alone released.
> See
> for
> more information. The Varnish devs may have more information, but I
> don't think we can expect a timeline commitment yet.

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