varnish and cookie being set by backend

Lasse Karstensen lkarsten at
Tue Aug 27 11:15:49 CEST 2013

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 04:50:15PM +1000, Paul McInerney wrote:
> I have another problem I am trying to solve.
> One of the sites that sits behind a varnish service, uses an on_page_load module that sends a pop-up asking for an email address (for mail list subscription). It needs to then set a cookie that expires in 30 days (so visitors aren't constantly hit with this pop-up)

I suggest that you rething the problem and use javascript to set the cookie.
Solves everything, except that you need to filter the incoming cookie which is pretty simple.

> So, in vcl_fetch, I have this:
>         if (!beresp.http.set-cookie ~ "modaldone"){
>                 unset beresp.http.set-Cookie;
>         }
> Where 'modaldone' is the name of the cookie being set by the backend - yet this still doesn't get set.

Varnishlog will tell you.

You might want to add some printf-style debugging to understand the flow:

    import std;
    sub vcl_fetch {
	if (beresp.http.set-cookie !~ "modaldone") {
	    std.log("removing set-cookie: " + beresp.http.set-cookie);
	    unset beresp.http.set-cookie;

The std.log lines will show up in varnishlog.

> Here's the complete dump of default.vcl
> Have I missed something obvious?

I'd recommend rewriting the VCL to not use return() statements. Returning
hit_for_pass without setting the TTL can lead to request serialisation
if the object is uncacheable.

Setting req.backend in vcl_fetch is really a bit to late. We already have the
response from the backend at that point. (unless you plan to restart, with you
don't seem to do)

With regards,
Lasse Karstensen
Varnish Software AS

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