Feature request: bulk vcl include

Vedad KAJTAZ, Kigo Inc. vedad at kigo.net
Wed Feb 6 11:00:49 CET 2013


Thanks for the tip (haven't tried it, but I believe a ';' is missing 
before newline).

Yet, built-in globbing would be far more convenient.


Le 06/02/2013 10:34, Poul-Henning Kamp a écrit :
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> --------
> In message <51121ED7.5080104 at kigo.net>, "Vedad KAJTAZ, Kigo Inc." writes:
>> It would be nice if one could bulk-include a whole directory from VCL.
> The easy way is to:
> 	cd directory
> 	ls *.vcl | awk '{printf "include \"%s\"\n"}' > .all_includes.vcl
> Then
> 	include "directory/.all_includes.vcl"

Head of Software Development
T: +33 9 72 39 69 65 | E: vedad at kigo.net

kigo.net | Vacation Rental Software, Websites & Channel Manager

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