add req.http.x-forwarded-for header

Dridi Boukelmoune dridi.boukelmoune at
Wed Feb 13 22:39:41 CET 2013

I should also mention that I've tested it with varnish 3.0.3, and so
should you probably try it on this version first to ensure it actually
does what you want. If it doesn't work with varnish 3.0.2 I'll gladly
fix that. The client.ip fallback probably belongs more in varnishncsa
itself, and I chose the easy path on this one...

Best Regards,

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:32 PM, Dridi Boukelmoune
<dridi.boukelmoune at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Try this vmod instead:
> Best Regards,
> Dridi
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Andreas Götzfried
> <revirii at> wrote:
>> Good Morning,
>>> I think varnishncsa reads the information in the shared memory log
>>> *before* your modification in the VCL. I can't test right now but if
>>> you follow both varnishlog and varnishncsa you might understand what
>>> happens.
>> Hm, but then the wished manipulation within vcl_recv (setting
>> x-forwarded-for and writing it into varnish log instead of client.ip)
>> won't work at all, as the logs are written before vcl_recv. Well, why
>> should it work, as varnishncsa reads the shared memory and writes the
>> log, and varnish itself reads shared memory and then starts with
>> vcl_recv.
>> Changing the parameters of the log daemon won't help either, as an
>> external request doesn't set x-forwarded-for-
>>> I have no idea if it would actually work but you could try to issue a
>>> restart to see whether it affects varnishncsa.
>>> if (!req.http.X-Forwarded-For) {
>>>     set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;
>>>     return(restart);
>>> }
>> Message from VCC-compiler:
>> Invalid return "restart"
>> ('input' Line 97 Pos 24)
>>                 return(restart);
>> -----------------------#######--
>> subroutine "vcl_recv"
>> ('input' Line 77 Pos 5)
>> sub vcl_recv {
>> ----########--
>> ...which is the "vcl_recv" method
>> Legal returns are: "error" "lookup" "pass" "pipe"
>> Seems illegal ;-)
>> thx
>> Andreas
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