New user account named "varnish" appeared out of the blue

Chris Hecker checker at
Sun Jan 13 20:21:09 CET 2013

The CentOS varnish installation makes a varnish user, I would assume 
it'd be the same on every platform.


On 2013-01-13 06:32, eric schefter wrote:
> On 11.01.2013, at 12:00, varnish-misc-request at wrote:
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 15:48:20 -0800
>> From: James Pearson <james at>
>> To: varnish-misc <varnish-misc at>
>> Subject: Re: New user account named "varnish" appeared out of the blue
>> Message-ID: <1357861571-sup-8774 at geror.local>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> Excerpts from eric schefter's message of 2013-01-10 11:17:51 -0800:
>>> Derar usres,
>>> I'm running OS X 10.6.8
>>> I installed Bitnami, and then uninstalled it.
>>> One day later, a new user account appeared on my Mac with the name varnish.
>>> Is it possible that that account was somehow created by the BitNami installation?
>>> I'm worried that I've been hacked, and can't find any info on this.
>>> Thank you for your help.
>>> Eric
>> BitNami includes an installer for Varnish[0].  If you installed, say,
>> Wordpress[1] or Rails[2], you would've gotten Varnish installed as well as
>> other stack components.
>> I can think of no reason why anyone maliciously accessing your machine would
>> install Varnish on it.
>> HTH,
>> - P
>> [0]:
>> [1]:
>> [2]:
> Thank you for the links.
> I can find no information that says that a user account would be created automatically with the name "varnish", and without the administrator's (my) knowledege.  In addition, Bitnami and Wordpress state that varnish is disabled by default, and I didn't enable it.
> I did install Wordpress as well.
> Sorry to ask the question again in a different manner:
> Does varnish create a new user account in os x 10.6.8 (when enabled) which one sees when logging into the computer?
> If not,  I can only think that I'm dealing with another source of this mysterious user account (hacker or other software).
> Thank you so much for your time,
> Sincerely,
> Eric
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