cache site for 1 hour

Tim Dunphy bluethundr at
Mon Nov 10 05:30:48 CET 2014

Hey guys,

 I'm trying to keep a copy of the site I'm working on in cache for 1 hour.
My goal is to be able to stop the web server(s) completely, and have the
site served from cache in a worst case scenario.

 So I tried adding the following vcl_fetch to my default.vcl file expecting
this to be a success. But when I stop the web server the site immediately
disappears with a GURU Meditation error showing in the web browser:

sub vcl_fetch {

   if ( req.url ~ "^www\.ref\.mydomain\.com$") {
   set beresp.ttl = 3600s;

    return (deliver);

I'd definitely appreciate any advice you'd have!

GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F186197B
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