Feature question

Thierry Leveque thierry.leveque at imetrik.com
Wed Aug 19 17:36:05 CEST 2015


I just came across your website when I was searching about caching product.
And I am wondering if Varnish can support our needs.

Our need is really simple. We want to remove CPU load on a web service server.
If the same request is done to the web service, we want it to be process only once.
But the things here is that those same requests can be received within the same second. And the process from the web service can take several seconds. That mean that we want a cache service that when it is receiving the second identical request, will wait for the answer of the first one before using the answer.
So even if 10 identical request are send within a few millisecond, we want only one real request to reach the web service.

Is something like that possible with Varnish? Is my explanation clear enough?


Thierry Lévèque
Développeur Sénior / Senior Developer
iMetrik Global inc.
T : +1 514 448-6407 poste ????
T : +1 866 276-5382 (sans frais)
F : +1 514 904-0611
C : +1 514 241-5734

thierry.leveque at imetrik.com<mailto:pr%C3%A9nom.nom at imetrik.com>
740, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
Suite 1575 , Montréal QC
H3C 3X6

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