Varnish GET/POST cache Invalidation

Thomas Lecomte thomas.lecomte at
Tue Jan 6 08:36:50 CET 2015

On Tue, Jan 06, 2015 at 12:57:06PM +0530, Behzad Altaf wrote:
> Thank you so much for your reply Thomas.
> I have not made any changes in the default VCL.
> Is the expectation wrong?
> GET on URL  --> CACHES
> POST/PUT on same URL --> Invalidates

Yes, your expectation is wrong. The default VCL will pass POST/PUT
requests to the backend, but it won't invalidate the cache.

To invalidate the cache using an HTTP method, you need to implement that
in the VCL.

Have a look at the following documentation:


Thomas Lecomte / Sysadmin
Virtual Expo  / Marseille, France

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