cache pages with apache auth

Tim Dunphy bluethundr at
Fri Jul 3 22:00:23 CEST 2015

Hey guys,

 Thanks for your suggestions!! However, I'm still not having any luck. This
is what I tried. I logged into one of my webservers and then altered the
config so that it won't require authorization to access the healthcheck URL:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   Options +Indexes +FollowSymlinks
   LogLevel debug
   ErrorLog logs/wiki-error.log
   LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
   CustomLog logs/wiki-access_log common
   DocumentRoot /var/www/jf/wiki
   *SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/healthcheck.php/ noauth=1*

   <Directory /var/www/jf/wiki>
      Options Indexes
      AuthType Basic
      AuthName "JF Wiki Page"
      AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/auth
      Require valid-user
    *  Allow from env=noauth*

   <Directory /var/www/jf/wiki/images>
                Options -Indexes

I've highlighted in bold what I changed in the config. Then copied the
config over to the other web server and restarted apache on both.

Both of the web hosts are still turning up as 'sick' in the varnish log:

    0 Backend_health - web2 Went sick 4--X-R- 2 3 5 0.015589 0.000000
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    0 Backend_health - web1 Went sick 4--X-R- 2 3 5 0.045081 0.000000
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

So then I tried Paul's suggestion to tell varnish to expect a 401 response
for the probe. I'm not sure if I interpreted this request correctly, but
this is what I tried:

if ( req.url ~ "^/healthcheck.php") {
     error 401;

And there was no change in the result after restarting varnish. Both web
servers are still turning up 'sick' in the varnish log.

Could I get some advice on where I'm going wrong here? And maybe if there
is another approach I could try, I'd be up for trying anything that might

Thanks again for your help!!


On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 3:27 AM, Tobias Eichelbrönner <
tobias.eichelbroenner at> wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> > Backend_health - web2 Still sick 4--X-R- 0 3 5 0.014946 0.000000
> > HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
> seems to me your healthcheck on
>  .url = "/healthcheck.php";
> does not send any authorization to your backend, so the probing fails.
> The most simple solution is the disable authorization for
> healthcheck.php in you Webserver.
> Keep in mind that if more then one user access your restricted area they
> probably get the cached contend from the other user delivered. You could
> put authorization header into the hash in give every user a different
> password.
> Sincerely,
> Tobias
> --
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