Query regarding "http first read error: EOF" error in varnish

Jayanth Kalyanasundaram jayanth.ka at directi.com
Wed Jan 13 10:49:52 CET 2016


We are currently using varnish 4.1.0 as a caching layer on top of a few of
our production servers, and from time to time we see a few 503 errors in
the varnish log with the error "-   FetchError     http first read error:
EOF". The complete log for this is shared here: http://pastebin.com/JSqywXDa

The issue doesn't seem to be a connection problem with the backend because
a simple curl call of the same URL from the varnish box seems to work fine.
So we'd like to know what could be the reason behind the error mentioned
above and how we can fix it.

Thanks and Regards,
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