Conditional requests / if-modified-since not working

Guillaume Quintard guillaume at
Sat Jan 23 00:39:23 CET 2016

You are welcome. Have fun.

Guillaume Quintard

On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 12:14 AM, Raphaël Malié <raphael.malie at>

> Hi Guillaume,
> It works, finally!
> Many thanks,
> Raphaël
> 2016-01-22 21:50 GMT+01:00 Guillaume Quintard <
> guillaume at>:
>> Hi Raphaël,
>> Varnish ignores the must revalidate header, if you wish to emulate the
>> behaviour, you can use something like this in your vcl:
>> sub vcl_backend_response {
>>     if (beresp.http.cache-control ~ "must-revalidate") {
>>         set beresp.ttl = 1s;
>>         set beresp.grace = 0s;
>>         set beresp.keep = 1w;
>>     }
>> }
>> This way, you'd only cache for 1 second (don't set it to 0, or all the
>> requests for this object would be done sequentially), but will keep the
>> object for a week, revalidating it each time it is requested and its ttl is
>> expired.
>> --
>> Guillaume Quintard
>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Raphaël Malié <raphael.malie at>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I did a fresh install of Varnish 4.1 to test conditional requests with a
>>> last-modified header sent from the backend, here are my backend headers:
>>> Cache-Control: must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, public
>>> Last-Modified: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 14:27:50 GMT
>>> On the next query, Varnish should try to contact the backend with a
>>> if-modified-since header, and the backend shoud send back a "304 not
>>> modified" answer if nothing changed.
>>> But Varnish never tries to contact the backend, he is always caching my
>>> page with the default ttl (120s).
>>> Thank you for any help,
>>> Raphaël
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