ban.list without expression

Dead dead_gardens_ at
Mon Jul 4 10:27:34 CEST 2016

>On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 02:18:17PM +0000, Dead wrote:
>> for some strange reason my varnish setup is adding stuff to the ban list but without expressions.
>> > ban.list
>> 200
>> Present bans:
>> 1467294760.786177 41873 C
>> 1467294023.391572 20347 C
>These are (C)ompleted bans. You'll have to catch them before they're completed
>and the ban expression is deleted.

Thanks Andreas for answering, one extra question :)

if these bans are completed, Why the count keep increasing?

varnish> ban.list
Present bans:
1467620070.662158 14112 C
1467590933.392531 404731 C
1467561146.261999 603903 C
1467541539.007837 361451 C
1467533857.040905 128274 C
1467494869.660599 330760 C
1467477920.827571 185371 C
1467466291.265457 140189 C
1467464301.371105 21282 C
1467455809.468778 95382 C
1467454428.363314 12323 C
1467453373.069423 11182 C
1467451891.534789 15194 C
1467414299.709805 237760 C
1467408343.964311 57718 C
1467406430.565987 19998 C
1467404610.725681 19571 C
1467398394.284344 62284 C
1467381380.027632 147128 C
1467380528.035235  6380 C
1467369351.559516 81937 C
1467365690.557822 23165 C
1467360882.142809 28493 C

varnish> ping
PONG 1467620531 1.0
varnish> ban.list
Present bans:
1467620070.662158 14366 C
1467590933.392531 404643 C
1467561146.261999 603866 C
1467541539.007837 361442 C
1467533857.040905 128268 C
1467494869.660599 330752 C
1467477920.827571 185369 C
1467466291.265457 140184 C
1467464301.371105 21278 C
1467455809.468778 95380 C
1467454428.363314 12323 C
1467453373.069423 11182 C
1467451891.534789 15193 C
1467414299.709805 237744 C
1467408343.964311 57715 C
1467406430.565987 19998 C
1467404610.725681 19570 C
1467398394.284344 62283 C
1467381380.027632 147126 C
1467380528.035235  6380 C
1467369351.559516 81933 C
1467365690.557822 23165 C
1467360882.142809 28491 C

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