Fwd: Varnish Cache

sujith pv sujithnss at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 18:44:15 CEST 2016

Hi Team

I'm a newbie to Varnish Cache. I have a very basic question around the same.

- I'm making a search query for example like
<http://test.com/?query=apple,orange&store=1234> and the same is fetched
and cached in Varnish

- Now again Im making the same request it gets served from Cache with out a
backend fetch

- Now if I just pass http://test.com?query=orange,apple&store=1234
<http://test.com/?query=orange,apple&store=1234> , here i just swapped the
search keywords. So I'm doubtful, if this query url is unique with previous
one or it will be a new backend fetch. Or is there a way we can manipulate
the request to match the cached value.

Any help will be great...

Best Regards
Sujith P V
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