Varnish 4.1.3 (RPM rhel6) not listening on all interfaces

Viktor Villafuerte viktor.villafuerte at
Fri Nov 18 00:54:49 CET 2016

Hi all,

I've been upgrading Varnish to 4.1.3 using an RPM

All is good, except of Varnish cannot be configured to listen on all
interfaces via sysconfig file?! I read the docs and they claim that the
sysconfig works as before - EG, :80 will make Varnish listen on port 80
on all interfaces. However, I cannot achieve this! Varnish errors out

Starting Varnish Cache: Error: Cannot open socket: :80: Address
family not supported by protocol

Currently I *must* specify all the IPs I want Varnish to listen to on
in the sysconfig file.

This is particulary annoying when trying to automate the config with a
mix of physical and virtual IPs..

I'm assuming I'm doing smth wrong, anybody has any suggestions?




Viktor Villafuerte
Optus Internet Engineering
t: +61 2 80825265

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