Transient storage killing memory

Niall Murphy niall.murphy at
Tue Nov 29 17:09:04 CET 2016

On Mon, 21 Nov 2016 15:09:08 -0500
Mark Staudinger <mark.staudinger at> wrote:

> It might also be useful to capture some varnishlog output and
> determine what objects are being stored in the Transient pool, and
> whether or not your "shortlived" parameter, or default grace value
> needs to be adjusted. Even if you do determine you need to do some
> things differently here that will prevent the Transient pool from
> growing beyond your ideal limit, IMO it's a good idea to keep this
> limited anyway.
Hi Mark,

I took a look into ttl < 10s objects and saw that they are requests we
intentionally apply either "max-age=0, private" or "no-cache, private"
to. However their storage field is still "malloc Transient", and
transient storage usage only appears to be going up. 

Any ideas how to investigate further? 

It's varnish 5.0.0-1, and this didn't happen with 4.1, thought there
may well have been configuration changes since then.



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