Varnish could build an Etag based on all collected Etags from the backend

Dridi Boukelmoune dridi at
Wed Nov 30 10:53:52 CET 2016

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 10:22 AM, Jordi Llach <jllach at> wrote:
> When using Varnish in conjunction with ESis no one but Varnish could build a
> global Etag that really summarizes the response send to the client.
> I am wondering if Varnish could build a global Etag based on all Etags
> received from the backend.
> I understand that creating this Etag from multiple chunks(ESIs) is cpu
> intensive and thus I am wondering if Varnish could build this Etag based on
> all ESI Etags received, instead of doing it from the body/html in itself

Short answer is no, the game is over before you get to the response
headers of ESI sub-requests.


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