troubleshooting Varnish purges vs bans

Miguel González miguel_3_gonzalez at
Thu Aug 10 19:15:10 CEST 2017

On 08/10/17 1:12 PM, Dridi Boukelmoune wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 5:50 PM, Miguel Gonzalez
> <miguel_3_gonzalez at> wrote:
>> And what would be the right way to purge all the objects in the url? Or it can only be done with ban?
> I'm not sure what you mean by "all the objects in the url", can you
> please give me an example involving several objects?
> Dridi


 The Wordpress plugin is supposed to clean the whole cache for a website
when clicking on a button saying "Clear cache".

 You say from the varnishlog excerpt I sent that´s not the correct way
of doing so, or apparently what is logged by varnish is not a correct purge.

 So how do I tell the developer (or do it myself) to correct the code so
the whole cache for a given website is purged?.



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