Custom Permalinks Setting in Wordpress

Magical Wonders myles at
Wed Mar 15 16:22:07 CET 2017

Ok Dridi, thanks.

Step 3 is a bit ambiguous in its present form. I'm guessing that 
Wordpress default permalinks are not recommended in conjunction with 
Varnish? If that's the case, maybe the instruction would be clearer 
mentioning that and recommending to "change Permalinks to any valid 
custom structure" ? Or something like that.

Best wishes,


On 15/03/2017 13:07, Dridi Boukelmoune wrote:
>> Yes Varnish will still works with your custom Permalinks.
>>> so I guess I can skip that step?
>> Indeed you don't need to run the step 3
> Hello,
> There's a "Show on GitHub" link on all wiki pages, don't hesitate to
> open an issue or even submit a pull request to help improve the docs.
> In this case, the wiki should probably suggest setting up permalinks
> unless it's already the case. And the pattern should clearly appear as
> a recommendation.
> I will open an issue this time, but don't hesitate to participate to
> the wiki on github.
> Cheers

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