Any way to invoke code from VCL after a request has been serviced?

Ryan Burn rnickb731 at
Tue May 16 05:23:52 CEST 2017

Definitely closer. But I’m not sure how that approach would work
without having the log analyzer portion built into the VMOD. A
restriction of the OpenTracing API is that the functions to start,
attach tags, and finish a span all need to act on the same object — it
looks roughly like this:

span = tracer.StartSpan(/* start time */, /* parent-span if exists /*);
span.SetTag(/* key */, /* value */);
span.Finish(/* finish time */);

You couldn’t, for example, have the span created in a VMOD and then
have a separate process analyzing the logs attach the tags and specify
the span’s duration.

Not sure if it’s possible, but if I could use the free function set in
a PRIV_TOP structure to query the status code of the response sent,
that would, I think, work well since I could avoid the complexity of
setting up a VSM reader in a VMOD and pulling out the data from the
log hierarchy.

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 5:19 PM, Guillaume Quintard
<guillaume at> wrote:
> Thanks Ryan, I think I have a clearer picture now.
> So, indeed, I think you only need a only a light vmod and a log analyzer.
> If I get what's happening, you need a vmod call in vcl_recv to create a
> trace if it doesn't exist yet, and in vcl_backend_fetch to create a span.
> Then, you can simply look at the log, and you'll have all the meta data you
> need (including IP, ports, timings and such).
> You may want a specific function to set the component name per-request, but
> that can easily be done through std.log, so I wouldn't worry about it at
> first.
> Am I completely off, or is that at least remotely sensible?
> --
> Guillaume Quintard
> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 10:20 PM, Ryan Burn <rnickb731 at> wrote:
>> Sure. The intention with OpenTracing is to provide a common API that
>> can be used to instrument frameworks and libraries. What happens when,
>> for example, a span is created or its context injected into a request
>> header isn’t specified by the standard. It’s up to the particular
>> tracing implementation used (e.g. LightStep, Zipkin, Jaeger, etc) to
>> decide what specifically to do.
>> So, if a user wants to enable varnish for OpenTracing, I’d expect them
>> do something like the following in their VCL:
>> ###
>> # This is distributed as part of the varnish-opentracing project. It
>> imports a varnish module
>> # that exposes VCL functions to interact with the C++ OpenTracing API
>> #
>> # and adds commands to the VCL built-in subroutines so that the
>> module’s functions will
>> # be invoked when certain events occur.
>> include “opentracing.vcl”;
>> # A user also needs to select a tracing implementation to use. This is
>> done by importing
>> # the implementation’s module and initializing the tracer in vcl_init.
>> For example, if they’re
>> # using LightStep they might do something like this
>> import lightstep;
>> sub vcl_init {
>>   lightstep.collector_host(“…”);
>>   lightstep.collector_port(“…”);
>>   lightstep.init_tracer();
>> }
>> # Tracing is then explicitly turned on for a particular request with
>> logic in the vcl_recv subroutine.
>> # This means that a span will be created for the request and any
>> backend requests that result from it.
>> # The trace’s context will also be propagated into the backend request
>> headers, so that any tracing done
>> # by the backend server can be linked to it.
>> sub vcl_recv {
>>   # This turns on tracing for all requests.
>>   opentracing.trace_request();
>> }
>> ###
>> Though all the pieces aren’t together, I have an example set up here
>> To go back to the questions:
>> - what data do you inject, and how do you create it?
>> You would be injecting a list of key-value pairs that represent the
>> context of the active span
>> (
>> Specifically what that means is up to the tracing implementation, but
>> it would look something like this:
>> 'ot-tracer-traceid': 'f84de504f0287bbc'       // An ID used to
>> identify the Trace.
>> 'ot-tracer-spanid': 'e34088878e7f0ce8'      // An ID used to identify
>> the active span within the Trace.
>> 'ot-tracer-sampled': 'true'                            // Heuristic
>> used by the Tracer
>> - what do you need to know about the req/resp/bereq/beresp?
>> Knowing whether the request resulted in an error is pretty important
>> to record. Other data usually added
>> are the URI, http method, ip addresses of the client, server, and
>> backend servers. Some of the guidelines on what to include are
>> documented here:
>> An example might make this clearer. This shows the breakdown of a
>> trace representing the action of a user submitting a profile form:
>> The server (described in more detail here
>> uses nginx as a reverse proxy in front of Node.js servers that update
>> a database and perform image manipulation. You can see spans created
>> on the nginx side to track the duration of the request and how long it
>> passes through various location blocks as well as spans created from
>> the Node.js server to represent the database activity and image
>> manipulation. Injecting context into the request headers is what
>> allows the spans to be linked together so that the entire trace can be
>> formed.
>> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 9:38 PM, Guillaume Quintard
>> <guillaume at> wrote:
>> > you can put anything in the priv field of the task, but the issue is
>> > that
>> > you have to put that data in there, meaning a call to your vmod from the
>> > vcl.
>> >
>> > the VUT.dispatch_f function isn't to be called from a vmod, and I don't
>> > think you need to.
>> >
>> > Maybe it's time to take a step back, can you fill us in the whole
>> > workflow,
>> > notably:
>> > - what data do you inject, and how do you create it?
>> > - what do you need to know about the req/resp/bereq/beresp?
>> >
>> > I almost have the feeling that this could be solved through pure
>> > vcl+shell.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Guillaume Quintard
>> >
>> > On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 5:33 PM, Ryan Burn <rnickb731 at> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> From the free function, is there any way to get the status code or
>> >> other properties of the request? I tried using VRT_r_obj_status with a
>> >> stored reference to the context, but that doesn't seem to work since
>> >> some of the request's resources have already been reclaimed:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Is there any other place something like the status would be stored?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 11:13 AM, Reza Naghibi
>> >> <reza at>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > Sorry, email misfire.
>> >> >
>> >> > You can do this in a VMOD via PRIV_TASK:
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > It might make sense to track this stuff in some kind of struct, in
>> >> > which
>> >> > case, put it into *priv and then register a *free callback.
>> >> > Otherwise,
>> >> > just
>> >> > put a dummy value into the *priv. *free will get called after the
>> >> > request is
>> >> > done and you can put your custom code in there.
>> >> >
>> >> > --
>> >> > Reza Naghibi
>> >> > Varnish Software
>> >> >
>> >> > On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Reza Naghibi
>> >> > <reza at>
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> You can do this in a VMOD via PRIV_TASK:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> --
>> >> >> Reza Naghibi
>> >> >> Varnish Software
>> >> >>
>> >> >> On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 10:15 PM, Ryan Burn <rnickb731 at>
>> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Hello,
>> >> >>> From VCL, is it possible to execute code that runs after a request
>> >> >>> has
>> >> >>> been processed?
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> I'm looking into writing a module that enables Varnish for
>> >> >>> distributed
>> >> >>> tracing using the OpenTracing project []. This
>> >> >>> requires
>> >> >>> invoking code at the beginning of a request to start a span and
>> >> >>> insert
>> >> >>> tracing context into the request's headers and invoking code after
>> >> >>> a
>> >> >>> request's been processed to finish the span and measure how long it
>> >> >>> took to process.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> I recently did a similar project for nginx
>> >> >>> []. Nginx provides an
>> >> >>> NGX_HTTP_LOG_PHASE [] that allows
>> >> >>> you
>> >> >>> to set up handlers run after requests are serviced. Can anything
>> >> >>> equivalent be done using VCL?
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> I image you could accomplish this by subscribing and regularly
>> >> >>> reading
>> >> >>> from Varnish's shared memory log, but I'd much rather do it
>> >> >>> directly
>> >> >>> if possible.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Thanks, Ryan
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> _______________________________________________
>> >> >>> varnish-misc mailing list
>> >> >>> varnish-misc at
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> _______________________________________________
>> >> varnish-misc mailing list
>> >> varnish-misc at
>> >>
>> >
>> >

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