Varnish doesnt purge

hamidreza hosseini hrhosseini at
Sun Dec 15 19:31:04 UTC 2019

I dont understand your message,

I cant solve this problem

Instead of saying "appericiate to your diplomacy!!!!!!!!!!" you can help me!

I dont have enough knoledge on Varnish,

I dont get your text  about hash, i didnt use hash.

Best Regards

From: Vlad Rusu <vlad.rusu at>
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2019 7:48:42 PM
To: hamidreza hosseini <hrhosseini at>
Cc: Guillaume Quintard <guillaume at>; varnish-misc at <varnish-misc at>
Subject: Re: Varnish doesnt purge

I appreciate Guillaume’s diplomacy :)

Your issue (one of them at least) is that in your cascaded varnish setup the hash key of the cached url, in both varnish storages, is the one you use to originally access the asset. Your vcl hash routine might also be a custom one.. that would be the next thing to look at if what I’m saying here doesn’t fix it.

So, purge
and NOT
when in the cascaded setup


On Sat, 14 Dec 2019 at 09:16, hamidreza hosseini <hrhosseini at<mailto:hrhosseini at>> wrote:
Please annwer my question, I sent you my test

From: varnish-misc < at< at>> on behalf of hamidreza hosseini <hrhosseini at<mailto:hrhosseini at>>
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 11:49 PM
To: Guillaume Quintard <guillaume at<mailto:guillaume at>>
Cc: varnish-misc at<mailto:varnish-misc at> <varnish-misc at<mailto:varnish-misc at>>
Subject: Re: Varnish doesnt purge

I do all steps now again, this is the resault:
First of all i configure a varnish (with file backend) in front of swift/Nginx and i ask the url that exist in swift with curl,

varnish-file$curl -I -H "newtrack: yes"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:29:32 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 23521499
Last-Modified: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 08:52:00 GMT
ETag: "3a1794b0-166e8db"
X-Varnish: 2
Age: 0
Via: 1.1 varnish (Varnish/6.0)
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Connection: keep-alive

varnish cach that object and then i purge the url:

varnish-file$ curl -v -k -X PURGE -o /dev/null -H "newtrack: yes"

*   Trying
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)
> PURGE /Naserfeiz.mp4 HTTP/1.1
> Host:<>
> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Accept: */*
> newtrack: yes
< HTTP/1.1 200 Purged
< Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:29:16 GMT
< Server: Varnish
< X-Varnish: 32770
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Retry-After: 5
< Content-Length: 240
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< Connection: keep-alive
{ [240 bytes data]
100   240  100   240    0     0   124k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  234k
* Connection #0 to host left intact

The object purged successfully and it didnt exist in cach anymore.

This is varnishlog resault:

varnish-file$ sudo varnishlog -d  -g request
*   << Request  >> 2
-   Begin          req 1 rxreq
-   Timestamp      Start: 1576135743.442646 0.000000 0.000000
-   Timestamp      Req: 1576135743.442646 0.000000 0.000000
-   ReqStart 5432 a0
-   ReqMethod      HEAD
-   ReqURL         /Naserfeiz.mp4
-   ReqProtocol    HTTP/1.1
-   ReqHeader      Host:<>
-   ReqHeader      User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
-   ReqHeader      Accept: */*
-   ReqHeader      newtrack: yes
-   ReqHeader      X-Forwarded-For:
-   VCL_call       RECV
-   VCL_return     hash
-   VCL_call       HASH
-   VCL_return     lookup
-   VCL_call       MISS
-   VCL_return     fetch
-   Link           bereq 3 fetch
-   Timestamp      Fetch: 1576135743.444347 0.001701 0.001701
-   RespProtocol   HTTP/1.1
-   RespStatus     200
-   RespReason     OK
-   RespHeader     Server: nginx
-   RespHeader     Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:29:32 GMT
-   RespHeader     Content-Type: text/plain
-   RespHeader     Content-Length: 23521499
-   RespHeader     Last-Modified: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 08:52:00 GMT
-   RespHeader     ETag: "3a1794b0-166e8db"
-   RespHeader     X-Varnish: 2
-   RespHeader     Age: 0
-   RespHeader     Via: 1.1 varnish (Varnish/6.0)
-   VCL_call       DELIVER
-   VCL_return     deliver
-   Timestamp      Process: 1576135743.444382 0.001736 0.000036
-   RespHeader     Accept-Ranges: bytes
-   RespHeader     Connection: keep-alive
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1576135743.444474 0.001828 0.000092
-   ReqAcct        112 0 112 295 0 295
-   End
**  << BeReq    >> 3
--  Begin          bereq 2 fetch
--  VCL_use        boot
--  Timestamp      Start: 1576135743.442807 0.000000 0.000000
--  BereqMethod    HEAD
--  BereqURL       /Naserfeiz.mp4
--  BereqProtocol  HTTP/1.1
--  BereqHeader    Host:<>
--  BereqHeader    User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
--  BereqHeader    Accept: */*
--  BereqHeader    newtrack: yes
--  BereqHeader    X-Forwarded-For:
--  BereqMethod    GET
--  BereqHeader    Accept-Encoding: gzip
--  BereqHeader    X-Varnish: 3
--  VCL_call       BACKEND_FETCH
--  VCL_return     fetch
--  BackendOpen    27 boot.swift_proxy_1 8080 6846
--  BackendStart 8080
--  Timestamp      Bereq: 1576135743.443586 0.000779 0.000779
--  Timestamp      Beresp: 1576135743.444017 0.001210 0.000431
--  BerespProtocol HTTP/1.1
--  BerespStatus   200
--  BerespReason   OK
--  BerespHeader   Server: nginx
--  BerespHeader   Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:29:32 GMT
--  BerespHeader   Content-Type: text/plain
--  BerespHeader   Content-Length: 23521499
--  BerespHeader   Last-Modified: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 08:52:00 GMT
--  BerespHeader   Connection: keep-alive
--  BerespHeader   ETag: "3a1794b0-166e8db"
--  BerespHeader   Accept-Ranges: bytes
--  TTL            RFC 120 10 0 1576135743 1576135743 1576135772 0 0 cacheable
--  TTL            VCL 86400 10 0 1576135743 cacheable
--  VCL_return     deliver
--  Storage        file s0
--  Fetch_Body     3 length stream
--  BackendReuse   27 boot.swift_proxy_1
--  Timestamp      BerespBody: 1576135743.747835 0.305028 0.303818
--  Length         23521499
--  BereqAcct      181 0 181 241 23521499 23521740
--  End

*   << Request  >> 32770
-   Begin          req 32769 rxreq
-   Timestamp      Start: 1576135756.680792 0.000000 0.000000
-   Timestamp      Req: 1576135756.680792 0.000000 0.000000
-   ReqStart 5438 a0
-   ReqMethod      PURGE
-   ReqURL         /Naserfeiz.mp4
-   ReqProtocol    HTTP/1.1
-   ReqHeader      Host:<>
-   ReqHeader      User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
-   ReqHeader      Accept: */*
-   ReqHeader      newtrack: yes
-   ReqHeader      X-Forwarded-For:
-   VCL_call       RECV
-   VCL_return     purge
-   VCL_call       HASH
-   VCL_return     lookup
-   VCL_call       PURGE
-   VCL_return     synth
-   Timestamp      Process: 1576135756.680982 0.000190 0.000190
-   RespHeader     Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:29:16 GMT
-   RespHeader     Server: Varnish
-   RespHeader     X-Varnish: 32770
-   RespProtocol   HTTP/1.1
-   RespStatus     200
-   RespReason     OK
-   RespReason     Purged
-   VCL_call       SYNTH
-   RespHeader     Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
-   RespHeader     Retry-After: 5
-   VCL_return     deliver
-   RespHeader     Content-Length: 240
-   Storage        malloc Transient
-   RespHeader     Accept-Ranges: bytes
-   RespHeader     Connection: keep-alive
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1576135756.681190 0.000399 0.000208
-   ReqAcct        113 0 113 218 240 458
-   End

*   << Request  >> 32772
-   Begin          req 32771 rxreq
-   Timestamp      Start: 1576135769.304679 0.000000 0.000000
-   Timestamp      Req: 1576135769.304679 0.000000 0.000000
-   ReqStart 5440 a0
-   ReqMethod      HEAD
-   ReqURL         /Naserfeiz.mp4
-   ReqProtocol    HTTP/1.1
-   ReqHeader      Host:<>
-   ReqHeader      User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
-   ReqHeader      Accept: */*
-   ReqHeader      newtrack: yes
-   ReqHeader      X-Forwarded-For:
-   VCL_call       RECV
-   VCL_return     hash
-   VCL_call       HASH
-   VCL_return     lookup
-   VCL_call       MISS
-   VCL_return     fetch
-   Link           bereq 32773 fetch
-   Timestamp      Fetch: 1576135769.306630 0.001951 0.001951
-   RespProtocol   HTTP/1.1
-   RespStatus     200
-   RespReason     OK
-   RespHeader     Server: nginx
-   RespHeader     Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:29:58 GMT
-   RespHeader     Content-Type: text/plain
-   RespHeader     Content-Length: 23521499
-   RespHeader     Last-Modified: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 08:52:00 GMT
-   RespHeader     ETag: "3a1794b0-166e8db"
-   RespHeader     X-Varnish: 32772
-   RespHeader     Age: 0
-   RespHeader     Via: 1.1 varnish (Varnish/6.0)
-   VCL_call       DELIVER
-   VCL_return     deliver
-   Timestamp      Process: 1576135769.306657 0.001978 0.000027
-   RespHeader     Accept-Ranges: bytes
-   RespHeader     Connection: keep-alive
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1576135769.306748 0.002069 0.000091
-   ReqAcct        112 0 112 299 0 299
-   End
**  << BeReq    >> 32773
--  Begin          bereq 32772 fetch
--  VCL_use        boot
--  Timestamp      Start: 1576135769.304834 0.000000 0.000000
--  BereqMethod    HEAD
--  BereqURL       /Naserfeiz.mp4
--  BereqProtocol  HTTP/1.1
--  BereqHeader    Host:<>
--  BereqHeader    User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
--  BereqHeader    Accept: */*
--  BereqHeader    newtrack: yes
--  BereqHeader    X-Forwarded-For:
--  BereqMethod    GET
--  BereqHeader    Accept-Encoding: gzip
--  BereqHeader    X-Varnish: 32773
--  VCL_call       BACKEND_FETCH
--  VCL_return     fetch
--  BackendOpen    27 boot.swift_proxy_1 8080 6846
--  BackendStart 8080
--  Timestamp      Bereq: 1576135769.304993 0.000160 0.000160
--  Timestamp      Beresp: 1576135769.306170 0.001336 0.001176
--  BerespProtocol HTTP/1.1
--  BerespStatus   200
--  BerespReason   OK
--  BerespHeader   Server: nginx
--  BerespHeader   Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:29:58 GMT
--  BerespHeader   Content-Type: text/plain
--  BerespHeader   Content-Length: 23521499
--  BerespHeader   Last-Modified: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 08:52:00 GMT
--  BerespHeader   Connection: keep-alive
--  BerespHeader   ETag: "3a1794b0-166e8db"
--  BerespHeader   Accept-Ranges: bytes
--  TTL            RFC 120 10 0 1576135769 1576135769 1576135798 0 0 cacheable
--  TTL            VCL 86400 10 0 1576135769 cacheable
--  VCL_return     deliver
--  Storage        file s0
--  Fetch_Body     3 length stream
--  BackendReuse   27 boot.swift_proxy_1
--  Timestamp      BerespBody: 1576135769.645490 0.340657 0.339321
--  Length         23521499
--  BereqAcct      185 0 185 241 23521499 23521740
--  End


First i restart varnish file and varnishlog then:
I add another varnish (with ram backend) in fornt of the varnish file and then i ask the url again in varnish ram (because it is my frontend server and users can access media though this server):

varnish-ram$ curl -I -H "newtrack: yes"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:33:05 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 23521499
Last-Modified: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 08:52:00 GMT
ETag: "3a1794b0-166e8db"
X-Varnish: 2
Via: 1.1 varnish (Varnish/6.0)
X-Varnish: 2
Age: 0
Via: 1.1 varnish-v4
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Connection: keep-alive

First varnish file cached the url and then Varnish ram fetched the object from varnish file and cached it , then i purged that url in varnish ram and it purged successfuly and it exactly removed from cached:

varnish-ram:~$ curl -v -k -X PURGE -o /dev/null -H "newtrack: yes"
*   Trying
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> PURGE /Naserfeiz.mp4 HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Accept: */*
> newtrack: yes
< HTTP/1.1 200 Purged
< Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:33:46 GMT
< Server: Varnish
< X-Varnish: 32770
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Retry-After: 5
< Content-Length: 240
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< Connection: keep-alive
{ [240 bytes data]
100   240  100   240    0     0  73846      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  117k
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Then i purged the url in varnish file it shows "200 purged" but it still exist in varnish file!!!!!!:

varnish-file$ curl -v -k -X PURGE -o /dev/null -H "newtrack: yes"
*   Trying
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)
> PURGE /Naserfeiz.mp4 HTTP/1.1
> Host:<>
> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Accept: */*
> newtrack: yes
< HTTP/1.1 200 Purged
< Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:33:39 GMT
< Server: Varnish
< X-Varnish: 5
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Retry-After: 5
< Content-Length: 236
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< Connection: keep-alive
{ [236 bytes data]
100   236  100   236    0     0   110k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  230k
* Connection #0 to host left intact

This is varnishlog resault in varnish file:

varnish-file:~$ sudo varnishlog -d  -g request
*   << Request  >> 2
-   Begin          req 1 rxreq
-   Timestamp      Start: 1576135956.460768 0.000000 0.000000
-   Timestamp      Req: 1576135956.460768 0.000000 0.000000
-   ReqStart 22300 a0
-   ReqMethod      GET
-   ReqURL         /Naserfeiz.mp4
-   ReqProtocol    HTTP/1.1
-   ReqHeader      Host:
-   ReqHeader      User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
-   ReqHeader      Accept: */*
-   ReqHeader      newtrack: yes
-   ReqHeader      X-Forwarded-For:
-   ReqHeader      Accept-Encoding: gzip
-   ReqHeader      X-Varnish: 3
-   ReqUnset       X-Forwarded-For:
-   ReqHeader      X-Forwarded-For:,
-   VCL_call       RECV
-   VCL_return     hash
-   VCL_call       HASH
-   VCL_return     lookup
-   VCL_call       MISS
-   VCL_return     fetch
-   Link           bereq 3 fetch
-   Timestamp      Fetch: 1576135956.463065 0.002297 0.002297
-   RespProtocol   HTTP/1.1
-   RespStatus     200
-   RespReason     OK
-   RespHeader     Server: nginx
-   RespHeader     Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:33:05 GMT
-   RespHeader     Content-Type: text/plain
-   RespHeader     Content-Length: 23521499
-   RespHeader     Last-Modified: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 08:52:00 GMT
-   RespHeader     ETag: "3a1794b0-166e8db"
-   RespHeader     X-Varnish: 2
-   RespHeader     Age: 0
-   RespHeader     Via: 1.1 varnish (Varnish/6.0)
-   VCL_call       DELIVER
-   VCL_return     deliver
-   Timestamp      Process: 1576135956.463114 0.002346 0.000049
-   RespHeader     Accept-Ranges: bytes
-   RespHeader     Connection: keep-alive
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1576135956.758920 0.298152 0.295806
-   ReqAcct        176 0 176 295 23521499 23521794
-   End
**  << BeReq    >> 3
--  Begin          bereq 2 fetch
--  VCL_use        boot
--  Timestamp      Start: 1576135956.461099 0.000000 0.000000
--  BereqMethod    GET
--  BereqURL       /Naserfeiz.mp4
--  BereqProtocol  HTTP/1.1
--  BereqHeader    Host:
--  BereqHeader    User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
--  BereqHeader    Accept: */*
--  BereqHeader    newtrack: yes
--  BereqHeader    Accept-Encoding: gzip
--  BereqHeader    X-Varnish: 3
--  BereqHeader    X-Forwarded-For:,
--  BereqHeader    X-Varnish: 3
--  VCL_call       BACKEND_FETCH
--  VCL_return     fetch
--  BackendOpen    27 boot.swift_proxy_1 8080 6860
--  BackendStart 8080
--  Timestamp      Bereq: 1576135956.461955 0.000856 0.000856
--  Timestamp      Beresp: 1576135956.462607 0.001508 0.000652
--  BerespProtocol HTTP/1.1
--  BerespStatus   200
--  BerespReason   OK
--  BerespHeader   Server: nginx
--  BerespHeader   Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:33:05 GMT
--  BerespHeader   Content-Type: text/plain
--  BerespHeader   Content-Length: 23521499
--  BerespHeader   Last-Modified: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 08:52:00 GMT
--  BerespHeader   Connection: keep-alive
--  BerespHeader   ETag: "3a1794b0-166e8db"
--  BerespHeader   Accept-Ranges: bytes
--  TTL            RFC 120 10 0 1576135956 1576135956 1576135985 0 0 cacheable
--  TTL            VCL 86400 10 0 1576135956 cacheable
--  VCL_return     deliver
--  Storage        file s0
--  Fetch_Body     3 length stream
--  BackendReuse   27 boot.swift_proxy_1
--  Timestamp      BerespBody: 1576135956.758956 0.297858 0.296349
--  Length         23521499
--  BereqAcct      206 0 206 241 23521499 23521740
--  End

*   << Request  >> 5
-   Begin          req 4 rxreq
-   Timestamp      Start: 1576136019.230666 0.000000 0.000000
-   Timestamp      Req: 1576136019.230666 0.000000 0.000000
-   ReqStart 5452 a0
-   ReqMethod      PURGE
-   ReqURL         /Naserfeiz.mp4
-   ReqProtocol    HTTP/1.1
-   ReqHeader      Host:<>
-   ReqHeader      User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
-   ReqHeader      Accept: */*
-   ReqHeader      newtrack: yes
-   ReqHeader      X-Forwarded-For:
-   VCL_call       RECV
-   VCL_return     purge
-   VCL_call       HASH
-   VCL_return     lookup
-   VCL_call       PURGE
-   VCL_return     synth
-   Timestamp      Process: 1576136019.230863 0.000198 0.000198
-   RespHeader     Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2019 07:33:39 GMT
-   RespHeader     Server: Varnish
-   RespHeader     X-Varnish: 5
-   RespProtocol   HTTP/1.1
-   RespStatus     200
-   RespReason     OK
-   RespReason     Purged
-   VCL_call       SYNTH
-   RespHeader     Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
-   RespHeader     Retry-After: 5
-   VCL_return     deliver
-   RespHeader     Content-Length: 236
-   Storage        malloc Transient
-   RespHeader     Accept-Ranges: bytes
-   RespHeader     Connection: keep-alive
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1576136019.231138 0.000473 0.000275
-   ReqAcct        113 0 113 214 236 450
-   End

PLEASE test this scenario for yourself and you can see that i do correct and the object wont remove from varnish-file
Please do this scenario for yourself

From: Guillaume Quintard <guillaume at<mailto:guillaume at>>
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 9:44 AM
To: hamidreza hosseini <hrhosseini at<mailto:hrhosseini at>>
Cc: varnish-misc at<mailto:varnish-misc at> <varnish-misc at<mailto:varnish-misc at>>
Subject: Re: Varnish doesnt purge

Yes it does, we have already proved it./

Each instance purges and will refetch the object for its respective backend. I explained how to test: start with the origin, change the data and check that you actually get the new object. Then add a varnish layer, purge, check, repeat.

You are testing everything at once and are unable to isolate the issue because you refuse to take things step by step, and spamming won't change that.

I'm sorry but until you have tested each layer individually and identified the one that fails, I won't be able to help.

Guillaume Quintard

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 3:08 PM hamidreza hosseini <hrhosseini at<mailto:hrhosseini at>> wrote:
please help me to solve this problem, this is the link that i explaine my question completely:

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