Labels and purge scope

Adrien Bigot adrien.bigot at
Thu Dec 19 15:06:25 UTC 2019


I plan to use labels on a Varnish stack in front of multiple backends.
I have a question about ban with multiple labels.

My main.vcl will route requests in function of Host header for example
like this :

if ( == "") {
      return (vcl(l_varnish_fronts));
    if ( == "") {
      return (vcl(l_varnish_api));

When we want to ban objects we do it with a HTTP BAN method on each
varnish server. Varnish handle it the BAN request like that  in each
label's VCL file :
sub vcl_recv {
        if (req.method == "BAN") {

        if (req.http.Cache-BanExpression) {
        return (synth(200, "Banned"));

My question is if I want to purge contents like this :

curl -XBAN --header 'Cache-BanExpression:
obj.http.Cache-Tags-TeamCompetitionReference ~ (^|,)6847(,|$)'  

Will them be banned for all my Labels (if I include the proper vcl code
in main.vcl), or do I have to make a request for each label like :
curl -XBAN --header 'Host:' --header
'Cache-BanExpression: obj.http.Cache-Tags-TeamCompetitionReference ~
(^|,)6847(,|$)'   http://myVarnishIP
curl -XBAN --header 'Host:'    --header
'Cache-BanExpression: obj.http.Cache-Tags-TeamCompetitionReference ~
(^|,)6847(,|$)'   http://myVarnishIP

In fact, I want to know if the cache is mutualized between labels ? If
yes, is a solution exists to purge contents in all labels without
sending multiple BAN requests ?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


Adrien Bigot
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