Varnish returning synthetic 500 error even though it has stale content it should serve. But only seems to happen during/after a burst of traffic

Marco Dickert - evolver group marco.dickert at
Fri Dec 17 16:01:20 UTC 2021

On 2021-12-17 15:25:31, Batanun B wrote:
> Thanks. I have thought about that too. But I think we might want to include
> non-error transactions as well. I mean, with the problems this post is about
> we want to see when the cached version of the start page was generated and
> when it was last served from cache successfully. But maybe we could have a
> permanent logging just for the start page, regardless of http status. That
> should hopefully reduce the logging intensity enough so that logging to disk
> isn't effecting the Varnish performance.

Well, it depends on the performance of your storage and the amount of req/sec on
the front page, but these logs can get very huge very quickly. I'd suggest to
determine the correct delivery of the front page via an external monitoring
(e.g. icinga2 or a simple script). As far as I understand, you don't need to
know the exact request, but more of a rough point in time of when the requests
start failing. So a monitoring script which curls every minute should be
sufficient and causes a lot less trouble.

> One thing though... If you log all "status: 500+" transactions to disk, isn't
> there a risk that your logging might exacerbate a situation where your site is
> overwhelmed with traffic? Where a large load causes your backends to start
> failing, and that triggers intense logging of those erroneous transactions
> which might reduce the performance of Varnish, causing more timeouts etc which
> cause more logging and so on...

Indeed there is a risk of self-reinforcing effects, but it didn't happen yet. We
also do not plan to logging 500s forever, but only till our problem is solved,
which is an error in varnishs memory handling. At the moment, our most
concerning 500s are caused by varnish itself, stating "Could not get storage",
when the configured memory limit is reached.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Marco Dickert

Administration und Technik
evolver services GmbH

Fon	+49 / (0)3 71 / 4 00 03 78 24
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E-Mail	marco.dickert at

Sitz der Gesellschaft:	Chemnitz
Handelsregister:	Amtsgericht Chemnitz, HRB 22649
Geschäftsführer:	Torsten Gramann und Mathias Möckel

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