Varnish 6.0.11 panic help

Luke Rotherfield luke.rotherfield at
Tue Nov 22 18:00:32 UTC 2022

Hi Guys

I am really struggling to debug this panic and wondered if you could give any hints were I might start looking for answers.  I have been trawling the GitHub repo and have seen several people recommend upping the thread_pool_stack value.  Here is the panic and a few other bits of data that I think are useful based on the issues I have been reading:

 varnishd[15482]: Child (15492) Panic at: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 16:10:26 GMT
Wrong turn at cache/cache_main.c:284:
Signal 11 (Segmentation fault) received at 0xffff887fe000 si_code 2
version = varnish-6.0.11 revision a3bc025c2df28e4a76e10c2c41217c9864e9963b, vrt api = 7.1
ident = Linux,4.14.290-217.505.amzn2.aarch64,aarch64,-junix,-smalloc,-sfile,-sdefault,-hcritbit,epoll
now = 3120063.050288 (mono), 1669133426.954528 (real)
  0x43f5b4: /usr/sbin/varnishd() [0x43f5b4]
  0x4a968c: /usr/sbin/varnishd(VAS_Fail+0x54) [0x4a968c]
  0x43a350: /usr/sbin/varnishd() [0x43a350]
  0xffff90fd7668: [0xffff90fd7668]
  0xffff90c8f540: /lib64/ [0xffff90c8f540]
  0x4b88f4: /usr/sbin/varnishd(deflateReset+0x48) [0x4b88f4]
  0x42e924: /usr/sbin/varnishd(VGZ_NewGzip+0x88) [0x42e924]
  0x42ebc0: /usr/sbin/varnishd() [0x42ebc0]
  0x42df28: /usr/sbin/varnishd(VFP_Open+0x98) [0x42df28]
  0x42b950: /usr/sbin/varnishd() [0x42b950]
thread = (cache-worker)
thr.req = (nil) {
thr.busyobj = 0xffff3d040020 {
  end = 0xffff3d050000,
  retries = 0,
  sp = 0xffff3c241a20 {
    fd = 28, vxid = 32945,
    t_open = 1669133426.953970,
    t_idle = 1669133426.953970,
    ws = 0xffff3c241a60 {
      id = \"ses\",
      {s, f, r, e} = {0xffff3c241aa0, +96, (nil), +344},
    transport = HTTP/1 {
      state = HTTP1::Proc
    client = 50812 :80,
  worker = 0xffff832326c8 {
    ws = 0xffff83232770 {
      id = \"wrk\",
      {s, f, r, e} = {0xffff83231e00, +0, (nil), +2040},
    VCL::return = deliver,
  vfc = 0xffff3d041f30 {
    failed = 0,
    req = 0xffff3d040640,
    resp = 0xffff3d040ab8,
    wrk = 0xffff832326c8,
    oc = 0xffff3b250640,
    filters = {
      gzip = 0xffff3d04a740 {
        priv1 = (nil),
        priv2 = 0,
        closed = 0
      V1F_STRAIGHT = 0xffff3d04a660 {
        priv1 = 0xffff3d042600,
        priv2 = 674132,
        closed = 0
    obj_flags = 0x0,
  ws = 0xffff3d040058 {
    id = \"bo\",
    {s, f, r, e} = {0xffff3d041f78, +34832, (nil), +57472},
  ws_bo = 0xffff3d0425e8,
  http[bereq] = 0xffff3d040640 {
    ws = 0xffff3d040058 {
      [Already dumped, see above]
    hdrs {
      \"X-Forwarded-Proto: https\",
      \"X-Forwarded-Port: 443\",
      \"Host: <>\",
      \"X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-637cf472-4faa5da7246eda4f0a477811\",
      \"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36\",
      \"X-Amz-Cf-Id: WVvRZ7m_mF9MaQ88b0rJd_vEKVJo5YqQr6Povp9ODasHVw2FQop36w==\",
      \"Via: 3.0 <> (CloudFront)\",
      \"Cookie: BAPID=mdmh5umu6v6l1qejvo0lbhse54; __utma=58316727.170235450.1647004079.1669126271.1669131591.29; __utmb=58316727.22.10.1669131591; __utmc=58316727; __utmt=1; __utmt_b=1; __utmz=58316727.1665659005.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); _csrf=5Inqz08yS1ACLDnJDFG8xoavis88G4BgHx4WpD6RuQM; _ga=GA1.2.170235450.1647004079; _ga_QNDMHZ1SBD=GS1.1.1667387720.14.1.1667387720.60.0.0; _gcl_au=1.1.255577917.1662482672; _landing_page=%2F; _orig_referrer=; _shopify_y=1531218a-8c0c-4153-86e1-37e06cc3a103; _y=1531218a-8c0c-4153-86e1-37e06cc3a103; df_preview=%7B%22preview_id%22%3A%221755%22%2C%22preview_type%22%3A%22version%22%2C%22preview_code%22%3A%22d82194c2b3c4f22164ca71d225673ff6%22%7D\",
      \"Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8\",
      \"Accept: text/css,*/*;q=0.1\",
      \"Referer:\ <>",
      \"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\",
      \"pragma: no-cache\",
      \"cache-control: no-cache\",
      \"sec-gpc: 1\",
      \"sec-fetch-site: same-origin\",
      \"sec-fetch-mode: no-cors\",
      \"sec-fetch-dest: style\",
      \"X-Varnish: 32947\",
  http[beresp] = 0xffff3d040ab8 {
    ws = 0xffff3d040058 {
      [Already dumped, see above]
    hdrs {
      \"Server: nginx/1.20.0\",
      \"Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 16:10:26 GMT\",
      \"Content-Type: text/css\",
      \"Content-Length: 674132\",
      \"Last-Modified: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 15:28:13 GMT\",
      \"Connection: keep-alive\",
      \"Expires: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 16:10:26 GMT\",
      \"Cache-Control: max-age=31536000, public, no-transform\",
      \"Accept-Ranges: bytes\",
      \"X-Url: /build/admin/css/oro.css?v=7c08a284\",
      \"X-Host: <>\",
  objcore[fetch] = 0xffff3b250640 {
    refcnt = 2,
    flags = {busy, hfm, private},
    exp_flags = {},
    boc = 0xffff3b260160 {
      refcnt = 2,
      state = req_done,
      vary = (nil),
      stevedore_priv = (nil),
    exp = {1669133426.954405, -1.000000, 300.000000, 0.000000},
    objhead = 0xffff907d01d0,
    stevedore = (nil),
  http_conn = 0xffff3d042600 {
    fd = 30 (@0xffff3be704e4),
    doclose = NULL,
    ws = 0xffff3d040058 {
      [Already dumped, see above]
    {rxbuf_b, rxbuf_e} = {0xffff3d042660, 0xffff3d0427a8},
    {pipeline_b, pipeline_e} = {0xffff3d0427a8, 0xffff3d04a660},
    content_length = 674132,
    body_status = length,
    first_byte_timeout = 180.000000,
    between_bytes_timeout = 180.000000,
  flags = {do_gzip, do_stream, do_pass, uncacheable},
  director_req = 0xffff8ffc0190 {
    vcl_name = default,
    health = healthy,
    admin_health = probe, changed = 1669131098.893551,
    type = backend {
      display_name = boot.default,
      ipv4 =,
      port = 8080,
      hosthdr =,
      n_conn = 1,
  director_resp = director_req,
  vcl = {
    name = \"boot\",
    busy = 5,
    discard = 0,
    state = auto,
    temp = warm,
    conf = {
      syntax = \"40\",
      srcname = {
vmods = {
  std = {Varnish 6.0.11 a3bc025c2df28e4a76e10c2c41217c9864e9963b, 0.0},
}, thread_pool_stack
        Value is: 128k [bytes] (default)
        Minimum is: 128k

yum info jemalloc
Loaded plugins: extras_suggestions, langpacks, priorities, update-motd
223 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
Installed Packages
Name        : jemalloc
Arch        : aarch64
Version     : 3.6.0
Release     : 1.el7
Size        : 374 k
Repo        : installed
From repo   : epel
Summary     : General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation
URL         : <>
License     : BSD
Description : General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc(3) implementation.
            : This distribution is the stand-alone "portable" implementation of jemalloc.

Any insight you can offer would be greatly appreciated.  I am going to try setting the thread_pool_stack to 1024k today, however this error is pretty intermittent so I may not know if it has resolved anything for a day or so.

Kind Regards
Luke Rotherfield
Senior Developer <>                         

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