Strange Broken Pipe error from Varnish health checks

George izghitu at
Mon Apr 17 19:50:16 UTC 2023

I am not sure how a tcpdump will help in any way. Since all the health
check requests are virtually the same. Since the varnish thread that probes
the backend dies every once in a while then it will never show anything
with tcpdump or I virtually have no way to know when it will die in order
to capture an incomplete request using tcpdump.

Please advise.

În lun., 17 apr. 2023 la 19:15, Guillaume Quintard <
guillaume.quintard at> a scris:

> That code hasn't moved in a while, so I'd be surprised to see a bug there,
> but that's always possible.
> Any chance you could get a tcpdump of a probe request (from connection to
> disconnection) so we can see what's going on?
> --
> Guillaume Quintard
> On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 9:12 AM George <izghitu at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In our case the response body is few bytes (13), header+body is 170
>> bytes. Can this be a bug related to something else perhaps?
>> Please let me know.
>> Thanks
>> În lun., 17 apr. 2023 la 18:47, Guillaume Quintard <
>> guillaume.quintard at> a scris:
>>> Thanks, I looked at the code quickly and I'd venture that maybe the
>>> /varnish_check is a bit too large and doesn't fit Varnish's probe buffer
>>> (we only care about the status line of the response anyway), so Varnish
>>> closes the connection while nginx isn't done yet.
>>> If it's that, it's not very polite, but it's harmless.
>>> --
>>> Guillaume Quintard
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