CLI result = 300, how to troubleshoot?

Dridi Boukelmoune dridi at
Wed Feb 15 10:56:51 UTC 2023

On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 10:24 AM Jakob Bohm <jb-varnish at> wrote:
> Dear fellow users,
> I am running varnish-cache 7.2.1 (compiled from source) in
> preproduction.
> After some seemingly minor settings changes, every time I
> try to start varnishd, I get the following on the terminal:
> # /etc/init.d/varnish start
> Starting Varnish HTTP(S) proxy: varnishWarnings:
> Change will take effect when VCL script is reloaded
> Child launched OK
> CLI result = 300
>  failed!
> Now the questions are what does this mean?, and how do I get
> a more detailed error message?  Obviously, the failure to
> start varnishd makes varnishlog useless, but maybe there is
> another log file for such startup errors.

There may be something in your syslog, otherwise it is hard to tell
without knowing what the init script is up to.


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