Hi,<br><br>I'd like to test-drive the new ban_lurker_sleep param, but the man page is rather thin on details here.<br>Even after reading the code, I'm not quite sure what the lurker thread does exactly between the sleeps.<br>
Is it (a) fetching the last ban and testing all objects which haven't yet been tested against it?<br>Looking at the while-loop in<br><a href="http://varnish-cache.org/browser/trunk/varnish-cache/bin/varnishd/cache_ban.c#L521">http://varnish-cache.org/browser/trunk/varnish-cache/bin/varnishd/cache_ban.c#L521</a><br>
it seems to me that it (b) always just checks one object at a time, which would be rather pointless for a cache with a million objects and the sleep-param set to >1 second.<br><br>So, what does it really do, and can I expect this new feature to help me given a cache with >1M objects and a purge list which regularly grows over 250 entries.<br>
<br>Cheers, Sam<br><br>