Hello!<br><br>I am trying to find out how many memory is being used and how many memory is free from varnish cache.<br><br>I have two servers running varnish (varnish-2.1.3 SVN), and both started with "-s malloc,28G" option.<br>
<br>I've tried with varnishstat, looking for sma's values (I think "sma_balloc + sma_bfree = 28G"), but only in one server shows "correct" information:<br><br>sma_balloc 1641487715428 . SMA bytes allocated<br>
sma_bfree 1611596371850 . SMA bytes free<br><br>The other server shows:<br><br>sma_balloc 239065444117 . SMA bytes allocated<br>sma_bfree 226776048576 . SMA bytes free<br>
<br>What should I do to see the memory used and memory free from varnish cache?<br><br>Thank you.<br><br>Regards,<br>Roberto.<br>