Hi,<br><br><br>I've already reported this on Varnish 3.0 and I waited to test it on Varnish 3.0.1 and the behaviour is the same. The majority of HTTP GET of files larger than 1mb are constantly interrupted and restarted with HTTP 206. Here is a sample collected from varnishncsa:<br>
<br> - - [06/Oct/2011:18:40:50 -0300] "GET <a href="http://video.kurtkraut.net/static/user/16/16855/0ae200b1a77438c17b1624d3987dc782.mp4">http://video.kurtkraut.net/static/user/16/16855/0ae200b1a77438c17b1624d3987dc782.mp4</a> HTTP/1.1" 206 2 "-" "AppleCoreMedia/ (iPhone; U; CPU OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; pt_br)"<br> - - [06/Oct/2011:18:40:50 -0300] "GET <a href="http://video.kurtkraut.net/static/user/16/16855/0ae200b1a77438c17b1624d3987dc782.mp4">http://video.kurtkraut.net/static/user/16/16855/0ae200b1a77438c17b1624d3987dc782.mp4</a> HTTP/1.1" 206 2 "-" "AppleCoreMedia/ (iPhone; U; CPU OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; pt_br)"<br> - - [06/Oct/2011:18:40:50 -0300] "GET <a href="http://video.kurtkraut.net/static/user/16/16855/0ae200b1a77438c17b1624d3987dc782.mp4">http://video.kurtkraut.net/static/user/16/16855/0ae200b1a77438c17b1624d3987dc782.mp4</a> HTTP/1.1" 206 2 "-" "AppleCoreMedia/ (iPhone; U; CPU OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; pt_br)"<br> - - [06/Oct/2011:18:40:50 -0300] "GET <a href="http://video.kurtkraut.net/static/user/16/16855/0ae200b1a77438c17b1624d3987dc782.mp4">http://video.kurtkraut.net/static/user/16/16855/0ae200b1a77438c17b1624d3987dc782.mp4</a> HTTP/1.1" 206 - "-" "AppleCoreMedia/ (iPhone; U; CPU OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; pt_br)"<br>
<br>And this goes on for the next 14 lines, until all data was transfered. Full log except in <a href="http://pastebin.com/7r6gQsia">http://pastebin.com/7r6gQsia</a><br><br>This was an iPhone watching a MP4 video, but this also happens with curl, wget, Firefox, anything I've tested. If I point the FQDN straight to the backend it doesn't happen. Also, different backends (Apache, nginx were tested) the result is the same. I have three varnish 3.0.1 servers on different servers, on different datacenters, with different CentOS installs and they all behave the same.<br>
<br>I belive this is a bug, so my question is:<br><br>1) Is it a known issue?<br>2) If not, what further details would be helpful to make a bug report?<br>3) Does anyone suggest a workaround for this?<br><br><br>Thanks in advance,<br>
<br>Kurt Kraut<br>