Hello<br>I use varnish 3.0.2 and I have tow backend web server by round-robin.<br>I found that my current configuration hit the backend if the backend server is down.<br>I want varnish will not look for backend if the backed is down.<br>
Can some one please help me.<br><br>My current configuration is bellow.<br><br>backend web01 {<br> .host = "";<br> .port = "8080";<br>}<br><br>backend web02 {<br> .host = "";<br>
.port = "8080";<br>}<br><br>director web round-robin {<br> {<br> .backend = web01;<br> }<br> {<br> .backend = web02;<br> }<br>}<br><br>sub vcl_recv {<br>
set req.backend = web;<br> }<br><br><br><br><br>