<pre class="de1"><span class="re2"><br>Hi,<br> During my Varnish set up I have few questions on the same.<br> a) During set up I found a tag '-u' inside DAEMON_OPTS set up. So, could you tell me what -u actually define in Varnish.<br>
<br>DAEMON_OPTS</span>=<span class="st0">"-a <a href=""></a>,[2001:db8::2]:80 <span class="es1">\
</span> -T localhost:6082 <span class="es1">\
</span> -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl <span class="es1">\
</span> <b> -u varnish -g varnish </b><span class="es1"><b>\</b>
</span> -s file,/var/lib/varnish/varnish_storage.bin,4G"<br><br>b) According to my system need I have two server (Load Balancing) running two different instance of Varnish. <br>Now how to configure the same in a way that they will talk with each other regarding the cache. <br>
<br>For Example : <br></span></pre>Server A served a request and stored the data in cache of Varnish of Server A not Server B has the same request. Now Server B will check is the data available in it's cache if not then is the data available in Server A 's cache. <br>
<br>Or another one approach can be taken when Server A stored a data in it's cache it will also update the cache of Server B.<br><br><br>Really looking for your help on the same.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Thanks & Regards,<br>
<br>Souvik Bhattacharya