<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br>i'm using namebased virtual hosting for 2 web servers, and i need to do the round-robin loadbalancing <br>using varnish. my config as follows<br><br>backend website {<br> .host = "<a href="http://xxx.com">xxx.com</a>";<br>
.port = "8080";<br><br>}<br>backend api {<br> .host = "<a href="http://yyy.com">yyy.com</a>";<br> .port = "8080";<br><br>}<br><br>director clust round-robin {<br>{ .backend = api; }<br>
{ .backend = website; }<br><br>}<br><br>sub vcl_recv {<br>set req.backend = clust;<br>if (req.request)<br> {<br> return(pass);<br> }<br><br>}<br><br>But how should i send host-headers to varnish to redirect to the correct server, This is always going to <a href="http://xxx.com">xxx.com</a>.<br>
<br>Thanks in advance<br>Tharanga<br></div>