Varnish statistics

Dag-Erling Smørgrav des at
Thu Oct 18 12:48:54 CEST 2007

"Cryer,Phil" <Phil.Cryer at> writes:
> Is there a tool, other than varnishstat, that I can use to show hits,
> misses, etc of a session?  When we demo'd Squid we used the Cache
> Manager CGI, and while it was clumsy, we could show results from one IP
> and know how it did, caching wise.  I'm looking for something in Varnish
> I can do that with, so far I've been doing a fresh run, then running
> 'varnishstat -w 1000' and then just copying the output from the
> terminal.

The output of 'varnishstat -1' should be much more manageable.

Dag-Erling Smørgrav
Senior Software Developer
Linpro AS -

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