Bug? Barage of hits leads to failure creating worker threads / stats tracking

Rafael Umann rafael.umann at terra.com.br
Tue Apr 14 20:19:29 CEST 2009

What about the cache size? have you decresead it?

Try running varnish with:

# varnishd -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl \
              -a \
              -s file,/var/lib/varnish/varnish_storage.bin,50M \
              -T \
              -u varnish \
              -g varnish \
              -w 500,500,120 \
              -p lru_interval=900 \
              -p thread_pools=1 \
              -P /var/run/varnish/varnish.pid \


On Apr 13, 2009, at 4:32 PM, Ray Barnes wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Rafael Umann <rafael.umann at terra.com.br 
> > wrote:
> 32 bits restrict you to use more than ~2.5gb of ram.
> I'm sure you know about PAE kernels, so I'm assuming there is some  
> other artificial limit at 2.5GB, like SHM space maybe?
> Try decreasing your cache size to see if you can open more threads  
> (allocate memory for threads instead of using it all for cache) and  
> also set the stack size smaller:
> # vi /etc/security/limits.conf
> * soft stack 512
> * hard stack 512
> (use 512kb of mem per thread)
> or
> * soft stack 1024
> * hard stack 1024
> (use 1mb of mem per thread)
> I tried 512kb, then logging off and back on, then starting varnish  
> with 800 threads being tried.  Same result:
>          356  N worker threads
>          356  N worker threads created
>          181  N worker threads not created
> Note that 356 + 181 is not 800.  It actually did not do this  
> initially, it said 201 worker threads and 840 created (it always  
> does strange things like this when I try creating more threads than  
> the box can handle).  And the program that spawns threads, still  
> tells me 383 is the max it can make.
> -Ray
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