[patch] use pthread_timedjoin_np() only where it exists
Nils Goroll
slink at schokola.de
Sat Oct 23 16:43:06 CEST 2010
r5452 breaks compilation for systems which don't have pthread_timedjoin_np().
This patch brings back the old code for such systems with one modification:
pthread_join() is only called if pthread_cancel() does not return an error.
Also, it changes exec_file_thread to exit with pthread_exit rather than return().
With this patch and http://www.varnish-cache.org/trac/ticket/663, make check
succeeds without error on Opensolaris snv_134, except for m00001.vtc, which did
already fail before for another reason I haven't yet understood (vmod doesn't
get unloaded after vcl destroy).
I haven't tested it on other platforms.
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